American Socialism
Just when you thought that socialism had died with the Soviet Union it is making it's comeback. However it's revival is not in some third world country, nor is it in the midst of poverty. No, the garden where socialism is germinating is right here in the good old USA.
Of course this is no surprise to anyone who has observed the rulings of the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and more particularly those of Justice Reinhardt. This Kangaroo Court has carried Liberalism to it's full conclusion, which is always Socialism.
The most recent ruling that has garnered my sarcasm upheld a decision by a local school district to ask children ages 7-10 to complete a questionnaire asking explicit question about their sexual feelings. The Parents sued claiming that the school district had violated their fundamental right to control the values taught to their children in matters regarding sex. This Kangaroo Court shed it's Judicial Robes and picked up the Legislative Gavel and began to issue it's edicts. This court ruled that not only do parent not have the "exclusive" right here, they went on to say that the school is our partner in raising our children. Justice Reinhardt continued with the statement that parents have no right "to prevent a public school from providing its students with whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise, when and as the school determines that it is appropriate to do so."
I have a news flash for Justice Reinhardt and for school officials. My children are God's gift to my wife and I, not the government of the United States of America, nor the local school board. They were conceived in our love, born though her pains of labor, and provided for my the sweat of my brow. The government had nothing to do with it. Therefore not only is the School District and it's faculty NOT my partner in raising my children, but to the contrary they are my employee though forced taxation. They are there because of the many good people who write the checks and pay the taxes that fund them and allow them to open their doors.
I ask what country do these Justices believe they are in? We are not some serfs on some fiefdom that our children belong to some feudal lordship. Justice Reinhardt needs a refresher course in American History to remind him that we a Republic and a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." It would do him some good to put away that copy of Karl Marx "The Communist Manifesto" and pickup a copy of David McCullogh's "1776".
It is high time that the Congress exercise it's Constitutional role of judicial oversight. They need to explain to these Justices that legislating belongs to Congress. However I don't have much hope of this happening. The Republican leadership run a great campaign, but once they win they don't seem to know how to lead. Oh well that is a subject for another time.
Of course this is no surprise to anyone who has observed the rulings of the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and more particularly those of Justice Reinhardt. This Kangaroo Court has carried Liberalism to it's full conclusion, which is always Socialism.
The most recent ruling that has garnered my sarcasm upheld a decision by a local school district to ask children ages 7-10 to complete a questionnaire asking explicit question about their sexual feelings. The Parents sued claiming that the school district had violated their fundamental right to control the values taught to their children in matters regarding sex. This Kangaroo Court shed it's Judicial Robes and picked up the Legislative Gavel and began to issue it's edicts. This court ruled that not only do parent not have the "exclusive" right here, they went on to say that the school is our partner in raising our children. Justice Reinhardt continued with the statement that parents have no right "to prevent a public school from providing its students with whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise, when and as the school determines that it is appropriate to do so."
I have a news flash for Justice Reinhardt and for school officials. My children are God's gift to my wife and I, not the government of the United States of America, nor the local school board. They were conceived in our love, born though her pains of labor, and provided for my the sweat of my brow. The government had nothing to do with it. Therefore not only is the School District and it's faculty NOT my partner in raising my children, but to the contrary they are my employee though forced taxation. They are there because of the many good people who write the checks and pay the taxes that fund them and allow them to open their doors.
I ask what country do these Justices believe they are in? We are not some serfs on some fiefdom that our children belong to some feudal lordship. Justice Reinhardt needs a refresher course in American History to remind him that we a Republic and a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." It would do him some good to put away that copy of Karl Marx "The Communist Manifesto" and pickup a copy of David McCullogh's "1776".
It is high time that the Congress exercise it's Constitutional role of judicial oversight. They need to explain to these Justices that legislating belongs to Congress. However I don't have much hope of this happening. The Republican leadership run a great campaign, but once they win they don't seem to know how to lead. Oh well that is a subject for another time.
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